Realiging Health

Realigning Health

Everything is energy… and in health energy is everything. Not too little and not too much! When it comes to health and healing it is best to look at what your energy is doing as in health you need the energy to do what you need to do and at the level of healing the energy to overcome health issues.

Today we face an ever increasing number of chronic conditions, the more obvious energy related conditions include chronic fatigue, thyroid, and adrenal burnout. Glucose is the primary (and priority) energy unit utilized by the human body, so when you have any sugar metabolism issues it an issue of energy balance. The body prioritizes glucose metabolism over all other body functions, as glucose is essential to keep the heart and brain functioning.

Today the main issue is an overabundance of energy – in the form of sugar . The modern diet contains such an high amount of sugar and refined carbohydrates (that act like sugar) that our bodies practically wear themselves out just managing sugar / glucose levels. In regards to health at the energetic level, the FIRST thing to look at and address is how our body is managing sugar. What is our energy input like? How much sugar derivatives – glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose… anything ending in -ose plus any sugar substitutes. And no, fat is not the problem we have been lead to believe – fat does not make you fat – sugar does.

When we talk about more people getting chronic conditions later in life, I hear people saying it is just because we are living longer. I have to question – why have we bought into such a sh!tty concept – that we accept and almost expect that as we age our quality of life will deteriorate? Our bodies and minds do not have to get decrepit. Our attitudes that have become old and worn out and when you track back where the bulk of our health advice comes from – it is from advertisements and pharmaceutical funded education – and corporations do not really want us to be healthier, they want us dependent – they want our ENERGY in more ways than just attention.

Energetic Entanglements

One thing that keeps energy locked away from us is the entanglements that get frozen in time. Today they are often referred to as big T and litte t traumas. I prefer to call them entanglements, are on the energetic level they are entanglements of our own and other’s past that have become frozen or fragmented. Entanglements of others includes entangled energy of our ancestors, culture, society and conditioning of our upbringing and times. We are energetic beings, our very DNA is essentially an energetic code. We are not energetically isolated, we are all connected. Relationships at their core are energetic exchanges.

Nobody escapes conditioning, and something that needs to be remembered (and not mentioned enough in this context) is that not all conditioning is ‘bad’ or negative. We are conditioned by our parents, family, culture, society, education, religion (even if you are not religious), media … we are conditioned by all that we come into relationship with. Conditioning is part of a very effective survival adaptation – it means we do not have to die to work out whether something is going to kill us! The less functional aspects of conditioning is where others bend us into being more like them, than ourselves, as it make it easier for them to handle us. If we align with their beliefs, programs and dysfunctions, we are less likely to challenge them.

What does this have to do with health? When we are not aligned with our truth and what is true and correct for us (what ever that is) we live a lie, we loose energy and lack the love and faith in ourselves to navigate life and what is necessary for health and vitality.

No such things as ONE or ONLY

In reality it does not matter what we do to be healthy. There is no only. There is no one way … no one size fits all. What works for others may not work for you. You can try and squeeze your round self into a square hole, or your square self into a star hole… however if it is not your hole, you will not feel WHOLE, there will be gaps and spaces that never feel full and you will lose energy trying to fill them up.

One of the places that we lose a great deal of energy that is right under our noses and within our control is our SELF TALK. We often feel incensed about what others say about us, yet never stop to look at what we say about ourselves. The criticism, judgement and often down right bullying that we inflict upon ourselves at every opportunity.

If you have health or energy issues – I invite you to start looking at energy. What energy are you surrounding yourself with. What is your self talk like? Are you replacing sugar for the sweetness lacking in your life? How do you feel about your job? Are , the people and situations you are placing yourself in depleting or nourishing? Do you feel wired and over stimulated, or do your feel spent and depressed?

Get REAL about energy

Get REAL about the energy and energies you do or do not have in your life. Love yourself first. Be kind and encouraging to yourself. Align your energy. Make choices and decisions that feel aligned and correct for you – not necessarily everyone else.

Being harder on ourselves only makes us hide, bury, deny and repress further. Surprise, surprise …. bashing, berating, guilting, and shaming … or working, fighting and forcing yourself into wellness and health – is not going to raise your energy levels or make you feel better! Being healthy is asking us to be more of who we are … and if right now that does not feel safe, then attend to your safety first.

Remember you are not broken. You are not messed up. You are not a f*<k up. What ever is going on for you right now, is simply a loving invitation to become aligned with who your energy and with who you truly are. To look in the direction of the person you truly want to be. Forget about doing right now, attend to your being. Be your own best friend. Be your attentive confidant. Be your most loving support… and find those who celebrate you for being you.

It is never too late… there is enough energy for all. Health at its core is aligned energy. Simple yes … easy not always… possible yes. Start with a bit of loving energy for yourself and take the next step from there. To help you align with your next steps, ask “Is this what love would have me be or do?”

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