with Angela Anderson
Align your inner compass
with who you really are
Reach Your True Potential:
Realign Self, Emotional Intelligence and Intuition
Navigating change when you do not have access to your full tool kit and guidance system can be confusing and overwhelming, especially if you have been taught, told or believed that you have to:
- be good to be loved or accepted
- criticize, judge or be hard on yourself to be a better person
- be more like others than yourself
- think through or have a reason for big choices or decisions
- manage, control or plan everything in life
- please or consider others to be a nice or caring person
- compromise your dreams and goals so others can reach theirs
It can be hard to trust yourself in taking a new direction, when you cannot hear your innate intelligence of your body and inner wisdom, or doubt yourself so much you cannot trust or follow it, because you were told:
- you are wrong, inadequate or “not enough” in any capacity
- that “your way” is the wrong way
- your gut, heart or intuition is not to be trusted
- it is selfish to consider your own needs and desires.
There are defined cycles and phases in our lives where misalignment will be challenged. We know of mid-life crisis, however few realise its vital importance and that it IS “just a phase”. Whether you believe in Astrology or not, the planets activate these mid-life crisis points challenging development in very specific ways:.
- 29-30 (under the influence of Saturn) we may face physical challenges such as accident, injury or illness
- 30-40 (under influence of Uranus) we go through an emotional crisis (which is often seen as mental issues or illness as we try to understand what the mind cannot grasp)
- 50-52 (under influence of Chiron) we face our woundedness, through a crisis of consciousness or spiritual crisis
The energy at these times can be very challenging, as they bring up unhealed parts of our past and where we are out of alignment with what is true and vital for our wellbeing and more empowered self.
Mid-life crisis” is not something to fear; it is sometimes to embrace and if needed seek guidance and support to help navigate what can be confusing, anxiety inducing and confusing times. Help and support can be the difference between breakdown to breakthrough, “burning out” or being “on fire”.
If you struggle with self-doubt, anxiety, depression or overwhelm or with these times of change and you need a “mid-life midwife” to guide you in realigning with your authentic self, reconnecting with your emotional intelligence and intuitive self. Disentangle from what holds you back from your vitality, authenticity and joy in your life.
Are you ready to be your joyous self? Find out more:
About Angela and Realigning Self
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